Trail Creek LSI Project

Lost River Highway District

Lost River Highway District received $1,000,000 Local Strategic Initiative Grant through the Local Highway Assistance Council (LHTAC) to rehabilitate 4.25 miles of Trail Creek Road in western Custer County. The project consisted of crack sealing and patching the existing roadway surface, followed by placement of a SALSA layer to mitigate reflective cracking in the pavement, 1-1/2 PMX overlay, and a chip seal.
PARAGON completed the design in 2018, assisted Lost River Highway District with the Grant Application, then upon receipt of the grant completed the bidding, contracting, and construction management of the project.
During the construction phase of the project, PARAGON completed the pre-construction conference, established the Minimum Testing Requirements, conducted field inspections, monitored and reviewed all test results, tracked all pay quantities, processed contractor pay applications, completed equipment and material submittal reviews, maintained construction files, and coordinated with the public.

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